Zenkeri Massage & Bodywork, LLC

Bringing you to a higher quality of life.

About the Practitioner

I began my training at Core Institute, in Tallahassee. There I studied anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, pathology, hydrotherapy, Swedish massage, introductions to many other modalities, and much more. The summer after I graduated, I received my certification in medical massage, which includes protocols to treat many types of injuries. This includes, but is not limited to, repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, back & neck pain from spending hours slumped in front of computers, and more. It included treating whiplash, and even TMJ dysfunction. I use many of the techiniques learned in medical massage in most sessions.

I often use heat on client's backs, to help soften muscles, to make deeper work more comfortable. I have taken a class in Thai massage techniques that can be combined with table massage, and used in almost any session. I have had training, and experience, for treating patients with fibromyalgia, which requires good communication, and sometimes a very delicate touch. I have special training in pregnancy massage, and have had the pleasure of working with many clients during pregnancy, and postpartum, to relieve lower back pain, hip pain, recovery and to simply take some time to relax, and reduce stress. It is always important to work with a massage therapist who has experience in pregnancy massage, when receiving massage while pregnant. In particular, if you have any issues that may be a higher risk pregnancy. There is a lot going on in the body during pregnancy, and your therapist needs to be aware of the changes, for your safety and comfort. 

I love what I do, but did find that I missed working with animals. Before I was a massage therapist, I spent many years working with animals. So, I traveled to Toledo, OH, twice, where I trained at the Petmassage Institute, in canine massage. I studied canine, anatomy, kinesiology, pathology, physiology, behaviorism, Petmassage and energy work. This training gave me a way to continue working with dogs, and also gave me a unique perspective on massage for people. As part of my training, one of the founders of the Petmassage Institute, who is also a massage therapist for people, gave me a massage using techniques that would be used to give canine massage. It was different from any massage I had ever had, or given at that time. Since we can't verbally explain massage to dogs, we have to use technique, body language and intention to communicate. When learning massage therapy (for people), you do touch on some of these topics, but to have a massage given in that manner was an eye opening experience! It was amazing, and to this day, the most relaxing massage I have ever had. 

I have been interested in massage, and physical therapy, since I was quite young. I had a close family member with severe scoliosis, that led to other degenerative conditions of the spine. While they still suffered with the chronic conditions, physical therapy, and massage helped them in many ways. In my early 20's I started receiving regular massage myself, after having jobs since I was 16 working at desks, and on computers, I was already having chronic pain issues at a young age. Having regular massage changed my life! I had wanted to attend massage school since I had been in high school, but I was more determined than ever after experiencing what a difference it had made for me in my everyday life. It was years later before I was in a position to go back to school, but I finally did. I graduated averaging an A in all subjects! I have continued my dedication to my education, and am constantly learning new ways to help my clients.

I want to help my clients have a higher quality of life, using massage and bodywork. I am passionate about what I do, and it is important to me that we reach your goals. Whether, it be from chronic pain, recovering from an injury, stress reduction, improving sleep, lessening headaches,or relief during, & after pregnancy, massage can help improve your life. You don't need to wait until you have an injury, are in pain, or are overwhelmed with stress to benefit. Even when I'm feeling ok, I get regular massage, and those are some of the best massages! If you have questions about how massage can benefit you, and your specific needs, send me an email. I am always happy to answer questions. 



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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